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SIR Frequently Asked Questions

Through discussions with many other researchers and educators, the organizers of this repository have encountered a number of frequently asked questions.

Q.1: Why not just collect and make available a wide selection of systems available from industry and open source web sites, together with whatever materials they come with?

A: Certainly such systems could support case studies, and in fact such systems are what many researchers have turned to for empirical validation purposes. Such systems do not, however, provide the controls necessary to support controlled experimentation. Also, if one does not employ a uniform format for materials, then other researchers can't easily adapt the tools or techniques they wish to study to the various artifacts. A comprehensive experimentation plan must include both case studies and controlled experimentation; it is the latter that is most lacking in the literature today, and that we seek to support.

Q.2: Do you intend to specify some particular intermediate form for programs?

A: No. We intend to provide programs, versions, models, and other such artifacts and attributes; researchers may use whatever analysis or testing tools, and whatever representations they find appropriate, on these.

Q.3: Many real-world applications are written to run against proprietary middleware or libraries. A truly useful repository of benchmarks has to include applications in this class, which means that it also has to deal with licensing issues and perhaps the issue of creating real-world runtime environments.

A: It is true that to generalize results, it will be necessary to experiment, eventually, with systems of this sort. Any experiment supporting infrastructure will need, eventually, to provide or simulate real runtime environments, and allow investigation of questions relative to systems that use proprietary middleware and libraries. But there are many complicated issues to be resolved here, and initially, establishment of a repository that does not include these things represents a sufficiently large leap beyond the current state of the art to be worthwhile. Once established and successful, a repository can then be extended in directions such as these, allowing the scope of experiments performed on the repository artifacts to expand.

Q.4: Do you intend to provide some mechanism by which commercial entitites could contribute proprietary code to your repository without worrying about revealing trade secrets, etc?

A: Initially, no, but we can imagine applying devices such as identifier mangling or other code obfuscation techniques to proprietary code, or considering licenses that allow release of source for research purposes while protecting intellectual property. We believe that such considerations, however, like those discussed in answer to the preceding question, will not fall within the scope of the four years of this project. They may, however, be addressed in the future as the repository subsequently expands.

Q.5: Even if you collect a few dozen programs, they still won't be a representative set, they still likely won't represent my programs, so how will your infrastructure be helpful?

A: In part, this question reveals a misunderstanding of how progress is made in empirical science. Experimentation does not provide proofs, it merely provides evidence for or against hypotheses. It gains its strength through replication: one employs not just a single experiment, but a family of experiments (and case studies). We utilize controls on small sets of objects, to be as certain as we can that we are observing causal effects. We then widen the scope of our experimentation to include additional objects, gradually increasing the external validity of our conclusions. We don't have certainty, and we can't say whether results will apply to other programs, but as the evidence grows our confidence that results will so apply can increase.

On the other hand, this question also addresses an important fact: the degree to which we can trust our empirical results to generalize depends on the degree to which the samples we have performed our experiments on can be said to be representative of the general population from which they are drawn. In computer science, we have no clear idea as yet what a "representative sample" of programs would be. For the moment we must content ourselves with building empirical knowledge on bodies of objects whose relationship to the general population of objects is unclear (essentially, using quasi-experiments rather than experiments). As we do this, however, we can expect our knowledge of the population to improve: we can move in the direction of being able to determine whether our sample is representative. Now, see the next question.

Q.6: You mention benchmark suites. Is that what you're building?

A: A benchmark is a sample of a population that has gone through a vetting process, such that a degree of consensus has been reached that the benchmark is an indicator of the extent to which certain qualities hold generally. We can't hope to establish such a concensus in four years. Moreover, it isn't clear that a benchmark suite is desirable, as such suites tend to take on inappropriate external validity. We do hope, however, that this project will create a resource to support experimentation, that can evolve as needs change.

Q.7: You consider studies of techniques and tools, why not also consider studies of humans?

A: The infrastructure we are developing could certainly be used to provide objects that engineers would apply techniques to in studies of engineers. But studies of humans are particularly expensive, and before embarking on experimentation aimed at questions such as "in practice, can test engineers use tool T cost effectively", it makes sense to examine whether T, if used, could produce any useful results in the first place. If not, then there is no point in performing expensive human studies. Moreover, studies of T may help us first adjust T to be more effective, so that we're studying the right T. And, studies of T may alert us to factors that may matter (and should perhaps be controlled) in studies of humans.

Q.8: Why not just use the Spec Benchmarks?

A: The Spec benchmarks have been developed to evaluate the abilities of optimizing compilers, not to evaluate bug-finding tools, testing techniques, or specification-checking systems. They do not provide essential attributes such as fault data, program annotations, multiple versions, or support for necessary controls.

Q.9: How does the proposed work compare to the recent similar NIST effort?

A: NIST's PESST project set out to establish a repository of programs and fault data, contributed by corporations, that could be used to evaluate and compare testing techniques. Review of a white paper detailing the project, and found on the NIST site, however, describes the effort as meant to produce "a collection of reference materials", not an infrastructure specifically for support of controlled experimentation. The NIST investigators did not have substantial experience with empirical studies, nor do they discuss issues such as experimental controls. Had it been established, the NIST materials could have served as raw materials for our infrastructure, and helped in evaluating representativeness; however, the project is no longer active.

Q.10: How does the proposed work compare to the CBase effort?

A: The CBase effort differs from ours in scope and target. Our scope is testing and analysis in particular, while theirs is dependability more broadly. Further, they are not targeting controlled experimentation: they provide an assorted collection of systems data that does not support the level of control that we support.


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